Date(s) of Deal: | 08-09.11.11 |
City: | Groupon Getaways |
Link: | Visit now |
Short deal description: | 3 nights for 4, 3 or 2 people, including breakfast, transportation and tickets to the theme parks for £139 , £169 or £199 per person at the Kyriad Hotel |
Original price: | £356.50, £408, £512 |
Groupon price: | £139, £169 , £199 |
Discount amount: | 61% |
Date(s) of Deal: | 08-09.11.11 |
City: | National Side Deal |
Link | Visit now |
Short deal description: | Regular Meat for a Week pack for £39, £53 or £68 from Allens of Mayfair (£79.00, £106.50 or £137 value) |
Original price: | £137 , £106.50 , £79 |
Groupon price: | £68 , £53 , £39 |
Discount amount: | 51% |