Whether you drive a Vauxhall, a BMW, a VW (Volkswagen), a Ford Focus or a Mini, our UK motor insurance is competitive and great value. So for cheap car insurance backed by exceptional customer service, why not get a quick and easy quote from 1stCentral Insurance today?
1st Central Insurance aims to provide consumers with competitive car insurance quotes; whether you live in London, Scotland, the Midlands, Wales or Northern Ireland. In fact, whatever region you live in, you could get great value car insurance with 1stCentral Insurance.
1st Central Insurance – driving down the cost of car insurance.
Important information-
Your Declaration
- The Road Traffic Acts state that it is an offence to make a false statement, or to withhold information, to obtain a Certificate of Motor Insurance.
- You should tell us immediately of any alteration to the details you have declared on the Statement of Fact.
- It is important that you tell us any facts that could influence an insurer when they are deciding about issuing an insurance policy. If you are in any doubt as to whether certain facts are relevant of not, please ask us.
- Failure to disclose relevant facts could invalidate all or part of your policy.
- The information you have given may be used to tell you about other products and services provided or recommended by us.
Changes to your Policy and Renewal
- We will advise you of any revised premium and / or changes to the Terms and Conditions which may result from changes you make to your policy.
- We may also seek to automatically renew your policy.
- Our fees for processing amendments, issuance of documents, and cancellation, are shown in the About Our Insurance Services document.
Data Protection
Full details of the 1st Central Data Protection policy are available in the policy wording. A summary is also available in the About Our Insurance Services document. Please refer to these documents for information on how we intend to store and use your information.
Combating Fraud
At 1st Central, we believe our customers deserve to benefit from the lowest possible premiums and in order to achieve that aim, we use advanced technology and check a wide range of databases to identify fraudulent activity whether it be the use of stolen credit cards or the provision of incorrect information when applying insurance quotations. The agencies we cross reference against are:
- The Claims and Underwriting Exchange (CUE)
- A number of credit reference agencies
We reserve the right to request a copy of your Driving Licence
If we identify discrepancies and/or non disclosure upon the databases or, when you provide your Driving Licence, which do not correspond to the information you have provided when you purchased your policy, we will apply the correct additional premium and an administration fee will be payable as detailed in About Our Insurance Services.
Claims and Underwriting Exchange
Insurers pass information to the Claims and Underwriting Exchange Register, run by Insurance Database Services Ltd (IDS Ltd) and the Motor Insurance Anti-Fraud and Theft Register, run by the Association of British Insurers (ABI). The aim is to help us check information provided and also to prevent fraudulent claims. When we deal with your request for insurance, we may search these registers. Under the conditions of your policy, you must tell us about any incident (such as accident or theft) which may or may not give rise to a claim. When you tell us about an incident, we will pass information relating to it to the registers.
It is a condition of your policy that you agree to the information on your application form and any incidents that you tell us about being passed to IDS Ltd. It is also a condition of your policy that you agree that IDS Ltd may pass us information it has received from other insurers about other incidents you have been involved in.
We may search these databases when you apply for insurance, in the event of any incident or claim, or at time of renewal to validate your claims history or that of any other person or property likely to be involved in the policy or claim.
Motor Insurance Database
Full details of the Information relating to your insurance policy will be added to the Motor Insurance Database ("MID") managed by the Motor Insurers’ Bureau ("MIB"). MID and the data stored on it may be used by certain statutory and/or authorised bodies including the Police, the DVLA, the DVLNI, the Insurance Fraud Bureau and other bodies permitted by law for purposes not limited to but including:
- Licensing
- Continuous Insurance Enforcement
- Law enforcement (prevention, detection, apprehension and/or prosecution of offenders)
- The provision of government services and/or other services aimed at reducing the level and incidence of uninsured driving
If you are involved in a road traffic accident (either in the UK, the EEA or certain other territories), the insurer and/or the MIB may search the MID to obtain relevant information.
Persons (including his or her appointed representatives) pursuing a claim in respect of a road traffic accident (including citizens of other countries) may also obtain relevant information which is held on the MID.
It is vital that the MID holds your correct registration number. If it is incorrectly shown on the MID you are at risk of having your vehicle seized by the Police. You can check that your correct registration number details are shown on the MID atwww.askmid.com. Insurers have up to 7 days to notify the MID.
No Claims Bonus (NCB)
The information you have provided is used to calculate the premium required. If you have declared any No Claims Bonus, the premium we have quoted is conditional upon you forwarding us your proof of entitlement to that No Claims Bonus within 14 days of the start date of the policy. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of the policy. It is essential that all the information you provide is correct and accurate. If when you provide your proof of NCB to us we identify discrepancies and/or non-disclosures which do not correspond to the information you have provided when you purchased your policy, we may cancel your policy or apply the correct additional premium. Where we apply the correct additional premium or cancel your policy on this basis an administration fee is payable. Failure to provide us with valid proof of NCD in a timely manner will result in your policy being cancelled by us and a fee will be payable.
Preferably scan or photograph the original documents and email them to ncbproof@1stcentral.co.uk as an attachment. Or, if you are unable to do so please post your original renewal notice or Proof of NCB to us at First Central Insurance Management Ltd, Gemini House, Mill Green Business Estate, Mill Green Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 1XQ.
First Central Insurance Management Ltd, First Central Insurance Services Ltd and First Central Insurance Company Ltdare wholly owned subsidiaries of First Central Group Ltd which is registered in Guernsey, Company No. 48743. On 1st January 2012, First Central Insurance Company Ltd will change its name to Skyfire Insurance Company Limited.
We can provide you with information on all our products in most formats. Therefore, if you experience any difficulty with certain web browsers or other software whilst visiting our site please call our UK service company on 0843 208 4000.