Barcelo Hotels & Resorts is happy to announce that there are some new coupon codes for its hotels in USA and Spain that offers a 5% discount.
Coupon Code Description:
5% off in Barcelo for its hotels in USA & Spain
Get a 5% discount with Barcelo for its hotels in USA and Spain. This offer is valid for stays and bookings until 31st December 2012. Every coupon is valid for a specific hotel. This offer will not apply with Happy Days, Happy Nights, MiBarceló exclusive offers and also with special prices for residents.
- Start date: 6/10/2011
- End date: 31/12/2012
Different coupon codes for different hotels are given below:
For hotels in USA:
Barceló Maya Palace Deluxe: BMAYAPALACE
Barceló Bávaro Palace Deluxe: BBAVAROPALACE
Barceló Punta Cana: BPUNTACANA
Barceló Los Cabos Palace Deluxe: BCABOSPALACE
Barceló Puerto Vallarta: BPUERTOVALLARTA
Barceló Montelimar Beach: BMONTELIMAR
Barceló Maya Beach: BMAYABEACH
Barceló Karmina Palace: BKARMINAPALACE
Barceló Dominican Beach: BDOMINICANBEACH
Barceló Puerto Plata: BPUERTOPLATA
For hotels in Spain:
Barceló Asia Gardens Hotel & Thai Spa: BASIAGARDENS
Barceló Nervión: BNERVION
Barceló Jandía Playa: BJANDIAPLAYA
Barceló Sants: BSANTS
Barceló Costa Vasca: BCOSTAVASCA
Barceló Avenida: BAVENIDA
Barceló Aranjuez: BARANJUEZ
Barceló Málaga: BMALAGA
Barceló Renacimiento: BRENACIMIENTO
Barceló Valencia: BVALENCIA
Barceló Maya Palace Deluxe: BMAYAPALACE
Barceló Bávaro Palace Deluxe: BBAVAROPALACE
Barceló Punta Cana: BPUNTACANA
Barceló Los Cabos Palace Deluxe: BCABOSPALACE
Barceló Puerto Vallarta: BPUERTOVALLARTA
Barceló Montelimar Beach: BMONTELIMAR
Barceló Maya Beach: BMAYABEACH
Barceló Karmina Palace: BKARMINAPALACE
Barceló Dominican Beach: BDOMINICANBEACH
Barceló Puerto Plata: BPUERTOPLATA
For hotels in Spain:
Barceló Asia Gardens Hotel & Thai Spa: BASIAGARDENS
Barceló Nervión: BNERVION
Barceló Jandía Playa: BJANDIAPLAYA
Barceló Sants: BSANTS
Barceló Costa Vasca: BCOSTAVASCA
Barceló Avenida: BAVENIDA
Barceló Aranjuez: BARANJUEZ
Barceló Málaga: BMALAGA
Barceló Renacimiento: BRENACIMIENTO
Barceló Valencia: BVALENCIA